Tag Archives: Stephen Fry

Quotation for the day . . .

From Stephen Fry:

I’m an optimist and tend to believe the best in people, but there are unquestionably some grotesque and vile figures out there. If ever you have the misfortune to meet one, Jonathan, never ever be afraid to use Twitter’s block option. You won’t see their tweets and they won’t see yours. There’s nothing they can do about it and you will be happier as a result, infinitely happier. It’s what I do to newspapers and to those who want to upset or provoke me. No matter who you are no one has a right to see your tweets, a right to be followed or a right to address you if you don’t want to be addressed.

~ Stephen Fry, on 30 November 2010

Now, I don’t twitter, or tweat, or whatever it’s called. I just don’t think I’m that interesting, and as for following other people’s twittering, I find it hard enough to keep up with the few rss feeds I subscribe to; Twitter would either consume me or leave me in the dust, feeling quite overwhelmed! But I nonetheless love this part of Stephen’s post. Continue reading

Steven Fry on Language

Stephen Fry Podcast, Illustrated

Saw this over on the Petulant Poetess LJ, and had to pass on the pleasure!

*ETA* If you want to hear — or read — more Stephen Fry, check out his website, which includes a blog and podcasts for download:

The New Adventures of Mr Stephen Fry.