Tag Archives: Lemons

More Fics available for Kindle

KindleBooksIf you are interested in reading Kindle versions of Resolving a MisunderstandingDeath’s DominionAn Act of Love, or one of several shorter lemony fics I have uploaded to Box, pop over to my livejournal for download details. (Convertable to ePub.)

New Fic: “Minerva’s Mistletoe”

I posted a new one-shot, “Minerva’s Mistletoe,” to both the Petulant Poetess and fanfiction.net today. The version on ffnet is lightly expurgated. Written for Hogwarts Duo for the Charming Roots gift exchange.

Summary: Minerva has fun the first Christmas after the war.
Characters: Albus Dumbledore, Minerva McGonagall, Poppy Pomfrey, Severus Snape, Filius Flitwick, Pomona Sprout, and others
Genres: Humor, Romance, Fluff

“Minerva’s Mistletoe” on the Petulant Poetess. (MA-rated)
“Minerva’s Mistletoe” on fanfiction.net. (M-rated)

“An Unexpected Shower” posted to ffnet

I’ve posted a lightly expurgated M-rated version of “An Unexpected Shower” to fanfiction.net. The unexpurgated MA version is still available on the Petulant Poetess.


Unexpected Shower Banner

“An Unexpected Shower”

After treating his injured shoulder, Gertrude gets a surprise from Malcolm, then she lends him a helpful hand.
A “missing scene” from Resolving a Misunderstanding with cameo appearances by Albus and Minerva. Short, lemony one-shot. (Takes place after the “spree” with Albus in Resolving a Misunderstanding, which can also be found as a one-shot here on my blog.)
Characters: Albus Dumbledore, Minerva McGonagall, Gertrude Gamp, Malcolm McGonagall
“An Unexpected Shower” on ffnet (M-rated, lightly edited).
“An Unexpected Shower” on TPP. (MA-rated on TPP)
Genres: Erotica, Humor, Romance, Fluff, AU

New One-Shot Posted: “Invisible Lover”

I’ve posted a new one-shot over at The Petulant Poetess.

“Invisible Lover”
It’s the Easter holiday week, and Albus returns from London early to surprise Minerva. A lemony ficlet. April 1958. ADMM.
Rated MA.
Albus Dumbledore, Minerva McGonagall
Genres: Romance, Erotica, Fluff, AU