Tag Archives: poll

New Round of Nominations for the HP Fanfic Fan Poll Awards

With crisp autumn nights (well, in some places, anyway!) comes the next round of the HP Fanfic Fan Poll Awards.

Don’t know if I’ll have anything to nominate this round, but I’ll look through the categories, some of my favorite fics, and then see whether the fic has already been nominated in a previous round. (Only in the Legacy subcategory for each category can a previously nominated story be renominated.)

In any case, I thought I’d pass this on — if you love a fic, nominate it! Even if it doesn’t “win,” it’s great for other readers to find new stories that others recommend so highly, and it’s very nice for the authors, as well.

Rules, Timelines, and How to Nominate a Fic

To Make Nominations/Ask Questions: hpfanficfanpollmod@gmail.com
Nomination period: October 1st – October 28th, 2013
Voting period: November 1st – December 31st, 2013
Winners announced: by January 10th, 2014

Poll Results for the Next WIP to be Updated

So the polls have closed, and here are the results.

Between the poll over on LJ and the one here on my blog, there were fourteen participants in the poll. Not stellar in terms of numbers, but sufficient for a clear outcome — and the readers who are really looking forward to the updates were the ones who participated, and so their enthusiasm will be rewarded! 🙂

In first place with seven votes: A Long Vernal Season. (Yay for Poppy and Severus! :D)
In second place with five votes: Charming the Scottish Garden (Johannes and Siofre have friends! So CSG will be next after LVS.)
Tied for third place with one vote apiece: STRAY and “none of the above — I’d like a new one-shot.” Well, Ro & Sirius will need to be patient, but their time will come! And for the new one-shot — I will do one! (Ask and ye shall receive, and all that — at least, sometimes!)

Sadly for Draco & Ginny and the other various characters in Draco’s Heart, their wait will be longer yet!

Anyone have any ideas of what sort of one-shot they’d enjoy reading? I can let the ideas percolate in my noggin while I’m catching up on the other fics. Leave me a comment here with your ideas and suggestions!

Want other of my fanfics in Kindle format?

Let me know which fic you would like to see available next. This poll closes in one week (23.59 EST 20 April 2012).

Rare Pair Picks for Fanfics

The results were very close in the Rare Pair Fanfic Poll, and we actually have one tie. Continue reading

Part Two: Rare Pair Fanfic Poll

Now that we have our Harry Potter Rare Pair poll results, let’s put them to use! You all get to vote on the pair you want to read a story about, and I’ll write it! (We can hope that the Muse agrees! :P)

I’ve taken the nine “rarest pairs” — the ones that every participant believed qualified as “rare” — and you get to vote for three of them. Now, I’ve chosen which three pairs to group together, so you only need to choose one pair from three. It’ll be obvious when you get to the poll.

If this proves fun and goes well, I may take a few other rare pairs — those with 23 or 24 votes — and do the same thing.

So without further ado:

I’d love to know what you’re thinking! 🙂