Tag Archives: blather

Fiddling with the site some more . . .

Site spiffiness update

If you’ve been dropping by on and off over the past couple months, you may have noticed that I’ve been tweaking the site quite a bit even beyond the drop-down menus in the tabs, adding a few pages, or using Typekit (which loads somewhat inconsistently, but it’s free & works well enough most of the time). Continue reading

Writing delays

Nine-fingered typing . . .

I usually type using all ten fingers, as I learned to touch-type many (many!) years ago on an old IBM electric typewriter. Generally, that’s a good thing, and I rarely even think about what my fingers are doing as I write, but when I injured one of my fingers last weekend, I found myself hampered and spent most of this past week either too uncomfortable to type for more than a few minutes at a time, even using only nine fingers, or finding it too awkward and slow-going to type for very long or to think less about the physical act of typing and more about what I was writing!

Fortunately, the hand is healing up nicely, and I’m back to typing with all ten fingers. So I began writing again yesterday evening. However, with all I had to do today, I wasn’t able to do any catch-up. RL is like that! But I can’t complain, as it was a beautiful day, and I spent much of it enjoying the blue sky, green mountains, and fresh breeze. Nope, can’t complain at all! 🙂 Continue reading

Elisabeth Sladen

Elisabeth Sladen has died

She portrayed my favorite Doctor Who companion when I was a kid — yes, I know, I’m dating myself — and she returned to reprise her role in the new series of “Doctor Who,” as well as having her own spin-off, “The Sarah Jane Adventures,” aimed at kids but still a good show in its own right — as all good children’s programming should be. And now Elisabeth Sladen is dead at the age of 63.

I appreciated the Sarah Jane character when I was a kid — she was more than just plucky, and she had a more “modern” spirit and feel than some of the other female companions of the time.

I was very sorry to hear of her death. Rest in peace, Lis Sladen, and R.I.P., Sarah Jane.

Elisabeth Sladen on IMDb.

Elisabeth Sladen on the Doctor Who Wiki.

Elisabeth Sladen news on the Guardian site.

The Sorting Hat says . . .

The Sorting Hat says that I belong in Ravenclaw!

Said Ravenclaw, “We’ll teach those whose intelligence is surest.”

Ravenclaw students tend to be clever, witty, intelligent, and knowledgeable.
Notable residents include Cho Chang and Padma Patil (objects of Harry and Ron’s affections), and Luna Lovegood (daughter of The Quibbler magazine’s editor).

Take the most scientific Harry Potter
ever created.

The Sorting Hat
gave me a score of 95% Ravenclaw, 88% Hufflepuff, 69% Gryffindor, and 49% Slytherin. I’ve taken this one before, and it Sorted me into Ravenclaw then, too. I thought it had good questions.

Persian Shield from “A Garden Tour” of CSG

Persian Shield

One of the plants that Lachina Tyree sees, and then remarks upon, in Chapter Twenty-Seven, “A Garden Tour,” of Charming the Scottish Garden, was the Persian Shield. This is the Strobilanthes dyerianus, a tropical plant which genuinely does have beautiful wide, shiny purple stripes in its leaves.

There’s also a description of the Persian Shield on Wikipedia, and another photo.